Proud and Respected

Contrary to misconceptions, nearly three-fourths (74%) of blue-collar workers believe there is a promising career path in their line of work. What’s more, a significant proportion (73%) encourages young adults to consider pursuing careers in their field. A recent survey by Express Employment highlighted that more than 90% of blue-collar workers take pride in the meaningful work they do, a testament to the passion and dedication they bring to their jobs.

Changing Perceptions

It is heartening to learn that the perception of blue-collar jobs is evolving positively. About 60% of blue-collar workers and 70% of white-collar workers agree that blue-collar occupations are now more respected than they were a decade ago. In fact, two-thirds (67%) of blue-collar workers believe that the COVID-19 pandemic played a role in altering society’s view of their professions. Interestingly, 75% of white-collar workers share this belief, showing a growing appreciation for blue-collar roles across various sectors.

Challenges Amid Appreciation

Although the pandemic has led to a newfound appreciation for the invaluable contributions of blue-collar workers, it has not been without challenges. Staff shortages have put immense pressure on these individuals. 37% of blue-collar workers have reported a heavier workload due to the shortage. Additionally, a staggering 73% feel that their work-life balance has been negatively impacted by the workforce shortage, surpassing the 60% of white-collar workers who share this sentiment.


In conclusion, the survey reveals a resilient and proud blue-collar workforce that stands tall despite challenges. The transformation in public perception and the growing recognition of the importance of these roles are encouraging signs for the future. As we look ahead, it is essential for educators, policymakers, and society at large to provide support and opportunities to bridge the gap between blue-collar workers and young job seekers. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and thriving workforce that cherishes and respects all career paths. Let us celebrate the hard work and dedication of blue-collar workers who keep our communities functioning and evolving.